Billing Department


  • To ensure proper bills are produced based on charges for the procedures and investigations performed in accordance with the Schedule of Charges of the Hospital.
  • To make available to the patients the details of billing.


The Billing Department is headed by the Billing Superintendent with 20 staff members. The Department is centralized and has several cash counters at the main entrance. It is supported by cash counters.


  • Preparing outpatient cash and credit bills for all the investigations and procedures.
  • Issuing credit facilities to all employees of companies and other credit schemes.
  • Preparing inpatient final bills for all the wards.
  • Preparing interim bills for all the wards on weekly basis.
  • Preparing credit bills and forwarding the same to the Credit Office on regular basis.
  • Depositing cash into the bank twice a day.
  • Forwarding the cash collection summary, bank deposit slips and billing sheets to the Accounts Department on daily basis.
