Cyber Security & IOT

Cyber Security & IOT

Center for Excellence in Cyber Security and IoT at NMIT has been created with the objective of catalyzing innovation, entrepreneurship and capability building in the domain of cybersecurity and privacy. The Motto is to discover the best practices, define standards and create secure products that address the threats to security of digital assets and ensures privacy in this interconnected world. The rapid progress in the development of connected intelligent units (Internet of Things) has made its impact in almost every walk of life. This lab also provide insight into this emerging technology of Internet of Things through democratization of Innovation, Standardization, Realization of prototype, products before deployment of the IoT devices in the public domain/ infrastructure and support initiatives on development of IoT solutions for specific needs in areas like water management, energy management, agriculture, health, security, privacy of data etc. Given such wide spread use of IOT devices unless sufficient caution is exercised during their development they are likely to create attack surfaces for the unscrupulous to penetrate the network through these devices and take control of it resulting in possibly significant financial losses and compromise of strategic infrastructure. The collaboration with SUBEX and the Institution focuses on training the students in the art and science of identifying attacks on the network assets and learning about counter-attacking and damage mitigation techniques. The students will learn techniques useful for effectively managing the entire lifecycle of working with cyber sandboxes with orchestration that supports automated setup, provisioning, teardown, monitoring, and scaling. This will pave the way for successful projects. The objective is to impart knowledge and create awareness on the important facets of different technologies, highlighting the current trends and future directions in the multidisciplinary domains. Facilities made available in the SUBEX COE has enabled the students and faculty members to engage themselves in many projects which have resulted in satisfactory outcomes.

The Center for Excellence in Cyber Security and IoT benefits both the students and the members of the faculty mainly in improving their ability:

  • To crystallize their ideas and produce Proof-of-concept prototypes inexpensively
  • To get access the knowledge reserves of a slew of specialists both from the industry and academia easily
  • To get exposed to real-life challenges faced by the industry and evolve feasible solutions for the same.
  • Create a platform to openly discuss problems and evolve possible solutions by peer-topeer interactions, as well as interactions with the experts.
  • To be able to interact with co-opted experts from multiple disciplines and build the knowledge base, as most of the products will have to be evolved using multidisciplinary skill set.

To be recognised as an Institution of Excellence for professional education, multi-disciplinary research, innovation and entrepreneurship.

To realize the vision through

  • To provide professional education that transforms students through rigorous teaching--learning system and by providing an understanding of the needs of the society and industry.
  • To collaborate with premier institutes around the world to strengthen the education and research ecosystem
  • To undertake collaborative projects with the industry to enhance industry institution interaction.
  • To assimilate the spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship and to enhance skill sets in students.
  • Creation of an Innovation Hub to enable the development of state-of-the-art products and solutions in the emerging domain of “Internet of Things and Cyber Security” with appropriate Infrastructure &expert guidance
  • Exposure to Industry-standard practices
  • Support for the realization of Prototypes and Deployment
  • Encouragement for Creation of Solutions to address specific Societal needs: Water Management, Agricultural Productivity, Health Security and Privacy of Data
  • Build Talent suitable for the industry
  • Encourage and nurture eco-system for initiating “Start-ups”
  • Access to Comprehensive Tool Chain for addressing issues of IoT SECURITY
  • Security Threat Assessment Tools - Evolution of Comprehensive IoT System security
  • Access to experts for providing insights into Security hardening of IoT devices & Systems