

    4 years

bachelor of electronics and communication student at nitte university

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, established in 2001 with an initial intake of 60 students, has consistently excelled in its pursuit of academic excellence and innovation. Accredited in 2009, 2014, 2018, and 2022, the department focuses on providing a comprehensive education in the principles and analysis of equipment and systems involved in the generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy.

Academic Programs

The department offers an Undergraduate (B.E) program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, along with two Postgraduate (MTech.) programs in Renewable Energy and E- Mobility & Artificial Intelligence. Recognized as a research centre by VTU, the department also offers a Ph.D. program.

Teaching Excellence

Our dedicated faculty members prioritize the quality and standard of teaching, always striving to impart knowledge most effectively. The curriculum encompasses various areas of learning, including electronic devices and circuits, computer applications, and the applications of computer-based systems in the design, analysis, and operation of power systems.

Well-Equipped Laboratories

The laboratories in the department are designed to facilitate hands-on integrated laboratory practices and support research work. Modernization efforts, funded by reputed agencies such as AICTE, ARM University Program, and Cypress University Program, have enhanced facilities in key laboratories, including Power Electronics, Power System Protection and Simulation, DSP, Microcontroller, and Electrical Machines.

Industrial Exposure

Regular industrial visits are organized, providing students with firsthand exposure to real-world applications and challenges. Technical lectures by industry experts further enrich students' knowledge of contemporary subjects within the field.

Centre of Excellence

The department boasts a Centre of Excellence in Power Engineering and Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development Lab (ICAP). This centre equips students with emerging technologies and engineering solutions, fostering skills sought after by premium companies such as Telco Communication India Pvt. Ltd., Titan Engineering Automation Solutions, ABB Limited, and Siemens Ltd., among others.

Multidisciplinary Electives

In addition to core subjects, the department offers multidisciplinary courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Quantum Computing, and Industrial Automation Using IoT. This diverse curriculum provides students with a platform for employment in various domains, including the IT sector.

Hands-on Training practices and Site/Industry visits - The department consistently conducts training programs, hands-on workshops, and regular industry visits for students. These initiatives aim to familiarize students with industry practices, fostering employability by imparting expert knowledge. The approach encourages the upgrading of skills, promotes innovative thinking, and instils renewed motivation among students.

Internship- As an integral component of the curriculum, the department provides a 45-day internship opportunity in esteemed companies for our students. Additionally, external candidates are offered a summer internship facilitated by in-house experts, spanning 4 weeks. Specialized training sessions on Industrial Automation and PLC, ETAP, EPLAN, Mi-Power, DSP kits, Quantum Computing, and Battery Management Systems, among others, are conducted to ensure that students are well-prepared for the demands of the industry.


To produce quality Electrical & Electronics Engineers capable of resolving scientific and industrial challenges thus making them more employable.


  • M1:To provide the students with strong fundamentals in basic sciences and engineering.
  • M2: To make students technically strong to pursue higher studies and meet innovative challenges.
  • M3: To in still leadership qualities and ethical values.
  • PSO1: Identify and solve problems related to Electrical Signals, Machines, Power Systems, Power Electronics and Control Systems.
  • PSO2: Use modern tools to solve problems in diverse electrical, electronics and multidisciplinary environment.
  • PSO3: Adopt recent technological developments keeping the environmental and sustainability issues while managing the project and finance, as a team.
  • PSO4: Understand the impact of engineering solutions on industry and societal needs, commit to professional ethics, lifelong learning and communicate effectively.

The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduates will be able to-

  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • P04: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • P09: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
  • PEO1: The Electrical and Electronics engineering graduates will have successful careers in core engineering and allied fields.
  • PEO2: The Electrical and Electronics engineering graduates will pursue higher education and research.
  • PEO3:The Electrical and Electronics engineering graduates will possess leadership qualities imbibed with ethical values.

The department has state of art labs in Electric Vehicle Technology, Electronic Product Design with a PCB machine, Power Engineering lab with advanced tools such as PSIM, PSCAD, MATLAB, power systems protection lab, quantum computing lab, renewable energy lab and computing lab, fostering exposure to cutting-edge practices in Industry 4.0. The research in the department revolves around power electronics, power systems, renewable energy, HVDC transmission systems, MEMS, e-Mobility, BMS for EVs, and AI & Machine Learning applications. Department has active collaborations with industries like L&T, Exide Energy Solutions, Zeonics, Leep e Drive, Starya Mobility, Mysore Electrical Industries, Centum Electronics etc to name a few.

Renewable Energy Laboratory:

This laboratory consists of Solar PV training and research kit, Solar thermal training system kit (Flat plate collector-based system), Wind energy training system kit AND Grid Tied Inverter system study kit set.

Electric Vehicle Laboratory:

This laboratory consists of Pack tester and Hub motor static Test Rig used for BMS development and Motor & Controller development.

Product Design and Development Laboratory:

Analog electronics & Linear Integrated circuits Laboratory:

Electrical Machines Laboratory:

Board of Studies (BOS):

Name Position
Dr. Premila Manohar, Prof and HOD Chairman
Dr.Vasudha Hegde, Prof Member
Dr. Samanivita N, Assoc Prof Member
Dr. Prashanth V, Assoc Prof Member
Dr.Shefali Jagwani, Assoc Prof Member
Mrs. Veena S, Assoc Prof Member
Mrs. Sridevi H R, Asst Prof Member
Dr.Aruna M, Assoc Prof Member
Ms. Shravani, Student Representative
Mr.Pradeep Student Representative
Dr. U J Shenoy, Principal research Scientist(retired), EECS, IISc, Bengaluru. VTU Nominee
Dr. Nagesh Prabhu, Director (Curriculum Development) at Nitte Deemed to be University, Mangaluru. Academia Representative
Dr. Arvind M T, Director, Amplebit Energy solutions Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru Industry Representative
Ms. Smitha Prakash, Scientist E, Advanced Power Technologies, ISRO, Bengaluru Industry Representative
Mr. Balasubramanyam P, Alumni Representative Staff Engineer, Analog Devices, Bengaluru

Board of examiners (BOE):

Name Institution Chairperson/Member/Coordinator
Dr. Premila Manohar, Prof and HOD NMIT, Bengaluru Chairperson
Dr. Madhu Palati BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru External Member
Dr.Vasudha Hegde NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. T C Balachandra NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms.Veena S NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sridevi H R NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr.N Samanvita NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shefali Jagwani NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms.Sujata Shivashimpiger NMIT, Bengaluru Coordinator

Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC):

Name Institution Chairperson/Member/Coordinator
Dr. Premila Manohar NMIT, Bengaluru Chairperson
Dr. Abhinandan Kumar NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Mr. Anand S NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Aruna. M NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Aruna. M NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Balachandra T.C NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. CH Hussaian Basha NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Likhitha R NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Meghana A NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. N Samanvita NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Mr. Nagaraj M J NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. PARTHASARATHY V NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Pramod Bhat Nempu NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Prashanth.V NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shefali Jagwani NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shreeram V Kulkarni NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shreeram V Kulkarni NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Shruti Gatade NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Singaravelan Arumugam NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Smitha. B NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sowmya Raman NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sridevi H R NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Mr. Sudeep Shetty NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sujata Shivashimpiger NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. V Y Kondaiah NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Vasudha Hegde NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Veena.S NMIT, Bengaluru Member

Programme Advisory Committee (PAC):

Name Institution Chairperson/Member/Coordinator
Dr. Premila Manohar NMIT, Bengaluru Chairperson
Dr. Abhinandan Kumar NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Mr. Anand S NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Aruna. M NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Aruna. M NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Balachandra T.C NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. CH Hussaian Basha NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Likhitha R NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Meghana A NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. N Samanvita NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Mr. Nagaraj M J NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. PARTHASARATHY V NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Pramod Bhat Nempu NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Prashanth.V NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shefali Jagwani NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shreeram V Kulkarni NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Shreeram V Kulkarni NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Shruti Gatade NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Singaravelan Arumugam NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Smitha. B NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sowmya Raman NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sridevi H R NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Mr. Sudeep Shetty NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sujata Shivashimpiger NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. V Y Kondaiah NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr. Vasudha Hegde NMIT, Bengaluru Co-ordinator
Ms. Veena.S NMIT, Bengaluru Member

Department Advisory Committee (DAC)

Name Institution Chairperson/Member/Coordinator
Dr. Premila Manohar NMIT, Bengaluru Chairperson
Mr. K S Ramanujan CEO, Leep E-Drives Pvt. Ltd., External Member
Dr. Subbareddy Chief Research Scientist, IISc, Bangalore, External Member
Dr.Vasudha Hegde NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms.Veena S NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Ms. Sridevi H R NMIT, Bengaluru Member
Dr.N Samanvita NMIT, Bengaluru Co-ordinator
Dr.N Samanvita NMIT, Bengaluru Member

For any information regarding the admissions,mail us at:


  • The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering has established Interdisciplinary labs in Power Engineering and Centre for Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development (ICAP) to cater to the requirement of students to the latest technology and make them industry ready.
  • The Interdisciplinary lab in Power Engineering mainly focuses on training and Hands-on sessions in power system simulation tools like EPLAN, ETAP, MiPower, etc, for transient and steady state response. The Centre also provides opportunities for students to get trained in the areas of Power System Protection, Renewable Energy, PLC and Automation, Electric Vehicle, etc.
  • The Centre for Innovation, Consultancy and Product Development (ICAP) provides Research opportunities and Facilities for the students in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Embedded Systems and Quantum Computing.

Thrust Areas of Research

Faculty Research Area
Dr. Premila Manohar HVDC Transmission, Application of superconductivity, Electric Vehicle Technology, MEMS
Dr. T.C. Balachandra High Voltage Engineering, Dielectrics and Electrical insulation, MEMS, Vacuum Electrical Insulation, Thermal problems in low pressure devices, EMI and EMC, Application of Deep Learning to Electrical Engineering
Dr. Vasudha Hegde MEMS sensors and actuators, Renewable Energy, Micro energy harvesting
Dr. N Samanvita Quantum Technology, AI/ML
Dr. Aruna M Power System, Renewable Energy, Solar photovoltaic system design, Insulation Material Analysis
Dr. Prashanth V Control Systems, Electrical Vehicular Technologies
Dr. Shefali Jagwani Power Electronics & Drives, Switched Reluctance machines, Electric Vehicles, Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Dr. Shreeram V Kulkarni Power Systems, Micro and Smart grid, Electric Mobility
Dr. Pramod Bhat Distributed generation, Applications of power electronics
Dr. Likhitha R Power system, power quality, Renewable energy Resources, Distribution system
Dr. Ch Hussain Basha Maximum Power Point Tracking Controllers, Fuel Cell Modelling, PV Cell Design, Swarm Intelligence, Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Power Electronics, Battery Management System.
Dr. Singaravelan A Smart Grid, Embedded System, Power Electronics and Drives, Automation, Power System
Dr. Abhinandan Kumar Microgrids, Storage Systems
Dr. Kondaiah V Y Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid, Microgrid, Electrical Vehicles, Power Systems Optimization, Renewable Energy, Load Forecasting.
Dr. Parthasarathy V Power System Optimization
Meghana A Sensors, renewable energy, power converters
Ms. Sridevi H R Microgrids, Power Electronics, Power systems
Ms.Veena S MEMS

Sponsored Projects


Title of the Funded Project Name of the Funding Agency Amount Received in Rs. (in Lakh) Name of the PI/Co-PI Status
Automated watering system for irrigation using porous pipe KSCST Rs 7000 Mr. Nagaraj M J Completed


Title of the Funded Project Name of the Funding Agency Amount Received in Rs. (in Lakh) Name of the PI/Co-PI Status
Assembly line automation and machine building AICTE Rs 3,06,833/- Dr. H M Ravikumar Completed
Modernization of Electrical Machines Lab and removal of obsolescence AICTE Rs. 10,00,000/- Dr. H M Ravikumar Completed



Industry Title of Project Team members Project Status Amount Received in Rs.
Sri Lakshmi Blue Metals Upgradation of Electrical motors for power efficiency in the workflow process of M-sand unit Dr. Prasanth Reddy ongoing 2,00,000.00



Assignee/s Name Patent Title Application Number Date of filling of Application Status
Dr. Premila Manohar MOTORIZED INTELLIGENT PATIENT SEATING 400665-001 25-1-2023 15-1-2024


Assignee/s Name Patent Title Application Number Date of filling of Application Status
Dr. Shreeram Kulkarni, Dr. Vasudha Hegde, Dr. D N Gaonkar A Novel Islanding Detection Technique Based on Piezoelectric Sensors For Grid-Integrated DG 202241050451 04-09-2022 Published (09-09-2022)
Dr. Shreeram Kulkarni, Suraj D Naik Design and Analysis of Underwater Bifacial Solar Photovoltaic Cell 202241050453 04-09-2022 Published (09-09-2022)
Dr. T C Balachandra, Dr. Shreeram Kulkarni, Veena S A Novel Islanding Detection Technique Based on Piezoelectric Sensors For System for contactless estimation of electrical conductivity of paramagnetic materials 2022103114121800DE 31-10-2022 Granted (11.11.2022)
Dr. T C Balachandra, Dr. Shreeram Kulkarni Support Structure for Quad Rotor Wind Generator 376766-001 05.01.2023 Filed
Dr. Prashanth V Speech and audio enhancement algorithms using discriminative random fields 2022110114094600DE 01-11-2022 Granted (15-11-2022)
Dr N Samanvita A Rodent Entry Detection and Repellent System and method 202241071399 10/12/2022 Granted (17/02/2023)
Meghana A UltraLite Brick: A Lightweight and High-strength composite brick RIT/IPR/2023/PT93 08/07/2023 under process
Dr V Y Kondaiah Artificial intelligence-powered battery drain prediction and optimization for electric vehicles 202341077741 15/11/2023 Published (15/12/23)


Assignee/s Name Patent Title Application Number Date of filling of Application Status
Dr. Prashanth V, Dr Samanvita N Oral Radiography 360383-001 11/03/2022 Published (21/04/2022)
Mr. Anand S, Dr. T CH Anil Kumar, Mr.N Bharath Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Gupta A driving Device Utilizing Renewable Energy Device 347902-001 14/8/2021 Granted (28/10/2022)


Assignee/s Name Patent Title Application Number Date of filling of Application Status
Dr. Prashanth V, Dr Samanvita N A clutch Lever Restriction Assembly 202141038532 25/08/2021 Published (03/09/2021)
Dr. Prashanth V, Dr Samanvita N An Adjustable Stand for Portable Electronic Device with Angle Display 348074-001 18/05/2021 Published
J.V Alamelu, Kusumika Krori Dutta, Premila Manohar, Jyothirmayi M A Wearable Inhaler 202141003659A 27/01/2021 Published (22/10/2021)
J.V Alamelu, Kusumika Krori Dutta, Premila Manohar, Jyothirmayi M Breath Fresh 333526-001 24/09/2020 Granted (06/04/2021)

Journal Publication

Year Download PDF
2023-24 Download
2022-23 Download
2021-22 Download
2020-21 Download
2019-20 Download

Conference Publications

Year Download PDF
2023-24 Download
2022-23 Download
2021-22 Download
2020-21 Download
2019-20 Download

Book/ Book Chapters


Name of Author Title of Book Chapter Name of the Publisher
Prasanth Venkta reddy, Prashanth Narayanappa Anand, Prakasha Pundareekane Kanchappa PID Gain Tuning for Robust Control of PMDC Motor for External Disturbance Rejection with Constrained Motor Parameter Variations through H∞ Intech Open


Title Type of Training Date with Duration Organized by Funding Agency External Experts & their affiliation
Hardware Design of Power Electronic Converters Value added course 5th-7th June, 2024 Department EEE and Power Engineering Centre in association with IEEE PELS & IES NMIT Experts from Gyantrek, Rohm Semiconductors and IVP Semiconductor.
Life Design (designing your life) workshop 29th and 30th April, 2024 Department of EEE NMIT Mr. Junaid A A, a Stanford Life Design coach
LT-Spice Circuit Design and Simulation Training Session 29th April, 2024 Power Engineering Centre & Department of EEE NMIT Dr. Ajeet Kumar
Revolutionizing Mobility: Battery and Electric Vehicle Technologies workshop 25th- 30th March 2024 Department of EEE NMIT Mr. Harish B K, Area Service Manager, Ola Electric, Bengaluru
Mr. Punith K, Proprietor, My Battery Tech ,Bengaluru
Quantum Machine Learning: Bridging the gap between Quantum Computing & AI ATAL FDP 8th Jan-13th Jan 2024 Departments of EEE & AIML AICTE
ShaktEVah 2.0: The Cutting-edge technologies on E-mobility workshop 21st to 25th November 2023, 5days EEE and Mech IEEE Prof. S. Dasappa, Centre for Sustainable Technologies, IISc Dr. Gopinath S., Senior Technical Manager, Tata Elxsi Mr.Rajneesh Acharya, Deputy General Manager, Mecedes Benz R&D, India Mr. Pranay Mundra President – Gensol Group | Director– Gensol Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd Mr.Vijay Bolloju, Founder, Gyantrek Sukhendo Deb Roy Manager, GAC, Rohm Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd Ramajujan K S, CEO, Leep E-Drives Pvt. Ltd. Prof. Kaushik Basu, IISc, Bengaluru Dr. Debanand Singdeo, Mathworks, Dr. Sanjeev Nayak, EDU Manager, Alstom Bangalore Prasant Misra, Senior Scientist, TCS Research, Visiting Faculty, RBCCPS, IISc Dr. Subba Reddy, Chief Research Scientist, IISc, Bangalore, Pradeep R, Exide Energy K B Rao, Director, Corporate relations, NMIT Rohan Suresh CAE Head, Starya Mobility
New Product Introduction Talk 10th November 2023 EEE IEEE Shri Gautham Ramamurthy, Director at Dover India Pvt. Ltd
Electric Vehicle Technologies Talk 20th, October, 2023 EEE Mr. Ramanujan, Leep e-drive
Start-Up to Scale-Up Talk 13th, October, 2023 EEE Mr. Nivarti Jayaram, Chief data officer at Societe Generale Global Solution Centre and Co-founder of Unlearning studio.
Fuel Cell Technology- An Overview Talk 19th Sep, 2023 EEE Dr. R R Sonde, Former executive Vice President-Innovation & technology, Thermax Limited, India & Visiting professor, IIT Delhi.
Integrating Quantum Computing and AWS: Transforming Applied Sciences and Engineering Education FDP 5 days 21st to 25th Aug 2023 EEE and Chemistry 1.Mr. Raghuraj (AWS) 2.Dr Deepak Kumar (RUAS) 3. Mr. Karthiganesh (BQP) 4. Mr. Jayashankar 5. Dr Vidhyadhi (JNCSR) 6. Mr. Rajesh, QNU Labs 7. Dr. Anup Pandith 8. Dr Roberto Flores-Moreno 9. Dr Ferdin (BQP)
Modeling Electric Vehicles with Simulink & Simscape’ Workshop 2 days, 20th and 21st April 2023 EEE Dr. Debanand Singdeo, Senior Engineer, MathWorks India PVT LTD.
Robust Battery Management Systems for Transportation Electrification Applications Guest Lecture 24th March 2023 EEE Dr. Janamejaya Channegowda, Technical Lead, L&T Technology
IBM Qskit workshop 21st, 22nd and 28th January 2023 EEE Mr Karthi Ganesh
Employability Factors Talk 14th January 2023 EEE Mr.Manish Majumdar, Head of HR in Centum Electronics Pvt Ltd
Introduction to Innovation & Design Thinking Technical Talk 29th December 2022 EEE Mr. Sayantan Mukherjee, Director, National Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management.
Charging Infrastructure Guest Lecture 21st December 2022 EEE Dr. K.S. Ramanujan, CEO & MD, Leep eDrive Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
Battery Management System Guest Lecture 17th December 2022 EEE Dr. K.S. Ramanujan, CEO & MD, Leep eDrive Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
Battery Technology & BMS Guest Lecture 10th December 2022 EEE Dr. K.S. Ramanujan, CEO & MD, Leep eDrive Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
EV – Technology Guest 3rd December EEE Dr. K.S. Ramanujan, CEO & MD, Leep eDrive Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
Overview Lecture 2022
Applications of Power Electronics in Electric Vehicles Technical Talk 23rd November 2022 EEE Dr. Ashoka K. S. Bhat, Emeritus Professor, IEEE life Fellow, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, BC, Canada.
Entrepreneur journey Talk 30th September, 2022 EEE Mr. Sudip Chandra Gupta, Aivolved Pvt Ltd
Atom Probe Tomography (APT) for semiconductor applications Technical Talk 22nd July 2022 EEE Dr Ramya Cuduvally, Postdoctoral fellow at the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Campus to Corporate Talk 9th July 2022 EEE Varun R Malavalli, Capgemini
Quantum Technology: Direction and Prospects Talk 2nd July 2022 EEE Dr. Apoorva D. Patel , Professor , Center for High Energy Physics Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Energy swaraj Yatra Talk 28th March, 2022 EEE, ME Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki
Electric Vehicles “ShaktEVah”- An insight on Electric Vehicles , Latest trends, Research Prospects and Expo Workshop 21st to 26th March 2022 EEE, ME, NMIT Mr. STEVEN WOOLLEY, Reliance India Limited. Dr. SHANKAR VENUGOPAL, Vice President, Mahindra & Mahindra, Mahindra Research Valley, Chennai. Dr. VISHU GUPTA, Head of Research, TensaX Innovation Lab, Jaipur. Mr. PRASANTH PATHIYIL, CoE Electrification Bosch. Dr. SHELDON WILLIAMS, Professor, Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering, OntarioTech University, Canada. Mrs. RAJA VIDYA, Assistant Professor, EEE, RVCE. Mr. SHYAM SUNDAR KULKARNI, Gigatech Innovations. Mr. JAGADEESHWAR REDDY, Senior Lead Engineer, CFD Mahindra Research Valley, Chennai. Mr. SHREYAS. R, Sun Mobility. Mr. KARTHIGANESH DURAI, My Quantum Technology Pvt. Ltd. Dr. ARJUN, Postdoc IISc, Faculty at MIT Manipal, Director. Tech, Apsaram Technology. Dr. CHINMAY Asst. Professor IIT Bhuvaneshwar. Dr. V. SANDEEP, Asst. Professor NIT, AP.
Awareness on IPR Talk 24th February, 2022 EEE Dr. Piyush Kumar Pareek, Professor CSE, Head of IPR cell, NMIT
Reducing the risks of startup Entrepreneurs Talk 8th February, 2022 EEE Dr. Arvind M T, Director, Amplebit Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Talk 10th December 2021 EEE Mr. Nikhilesh Varma, JLNV Enterprises
Epigraphical Heritage of India Talk 30th November 2021 EEE Dr.T.S.Ravishankar, Former Director, Epigraphy, ASI Mysore
How to plan for future along with enjoying student life Talk 30th November 2021 EEE Mr. K. N. Rao
Data Applications in Power Sector Talk 27th November 2021 EEE Mr. Asim Ahmed, Director of Engineering REConnect Energy, Bangalore
Role of Automated Test Equipment(ATE), IoT and System Integration in Industry Talk 27th August 2021 EEE Mr. J. L. Nikhilesh Verma, Business Development Manager in Optimized Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Sensitization of Quantum Computing Talk 27th August 2021 EEE Mr. Pradeep Jain and Mr. Karthik Ganesh Durai, Co-founders of My Quantum Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty Achievements

  • IEEE PELS IES Student Branch Chapter was selected for the PELS DAY Celebration support fund of $200 which is celebrated in June 2024. Dr. Shefali Jagwani, from the EEE Department, was selected as the funded participant for IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) for attending the IES Chapter’s workshop held in South Korea on 16th June 2024. She represented the Bangalore section and was selected for travel grants from IEEE.
  • Ms. Meghana A, Assistant Professor in EEE department was awarded ‘Best Paper Presenter’ for paper entitled ‘A Novel method of implementing multilevel converters to improve the power quality of a system’ at International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT-2024) organized by SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru on 15th & 16th March 2024.
  • Dr. Shefali Jagwani awarded with Outstanding faculty Advisor award from IEEE PELS IES Bangalore Chapter.

Students’ Achievements

  • Tejas from EEE secured First place in kabaddi Inter college state tournament held at CMRIT on 14th Dec 2023.
  • Dilip Kumar, student of 5th semester in the Department of EEE secured 2nd place in ‘15th Dr M.S Ramaiah Memorial State level Basketball tournament’ held at Ramaiah Institute of Technology held from 22nd to 24th November 2023.
  • Harshith S D of 5th semester secured Runners up place in Badminton Inter collegiate Bangalore North Division level tournament held at BRCE Bangalore in July and he also received ‘Sports star of the year’ award by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NMIT on 17th November 2023.
  • Yashas M R of EEE department has participated in the State level and VTU District level Football Tournaments held at P A College of Engineering Mangalore and the team won 1st prize in both the tournaments.
  • Tejas P and Prajwal H G, students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, participated in 1st Intercollegiate Kabaddi tournament for Men, ‘Golden Ride Cup’ held at Sri Aurobindo College and the team secured Runners Up trophy held on 15th July 2023.
  • Prajwal H G, student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering participated in State level Inter-college Men’s Kabaddi championship held by Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology on 28th and 29th June 2023. They were entitled the Winner’s trophy.

Professional Societies


Activity held under IEEE PELS IES Student Branch Chapter Date Resource person
Five days Workshop on EV- ShaktEVah 2.0 : The Cutting edge technologies on E-mobility 21st to 25th Nov 2023 Experts from IISc, NIT and various EV industries
Open house project and PELS Day celebration 26th May 2023 Dr. Vinoth Kumar K, Karthiganesh, Dr. Parameshachari
TECH QUIZ 31st March 2023
Guest Lecture-Robust Battery Management Systems for Transportation Electrification Applications 6th ,7th,8th March 2023 Dr.Janamejaya Channegowda
Three days “Hands-on Training” On Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using python 3rd March 2023 Mr. Mohammed Azhar Hussair

Special achievements of NMIT PELS IES SBC:

  • Photo contest winner of PELS DAY 2023 and was awarded $500 from IEEE PELS
  • Selected for conducting activity (EV workshop) and was funded by $510 from IEEE IES.
  • Received support fund of $200 for organizing PELS Day events.
  • Received support fund of $250 for chapter startup grant.
  • Faculty advisor Dr. Shefali Jagwani was awarded by “Outstanding Faculty Advisor 2023” by IEEE PELS IES Bangalore Chapter.
  • Student Abhiram L S was awarded “Outstanding Volunteer award PELS 2022” by IEEE PELS Bangalore Chapter
  • Student Nisha Singh was awarded “Outstanding Volunteer award IES 2022” by IEEE IES Bangalore Chapter.

Industry Interaction

Innovate, Create,

  • The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with OPAL-RT Technologies conducted a Guest Lecture on “Next Generation Power Simulators” on 25th June 2024, Venue: EEE-CoE Power Engineering.
  • Power Engineering Centre and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a technical talk on the topic “Engineering Solutions Using Graphical Programming” by Mr. Sunil Kumar V, CEO, VI Solutions, Bangalore on 07th May 2024
  • An MoU is signed between NMIT Bengaluru and Exide Energy Solutions Ltd (EESL), Bengaluru on 3rd January, 2024. EESL also has established a Laboratory for testing Battery Management Systems at NMIT campus. Establishment of this lab in NMIT campus exposes our students to state of art Battery Management System (BMS) testing facility. With the sharp growth in the EV industry, the collaboration with Exide is a big boost to our students in terms of internships and placement. The collaboration also opens opportunities for NMIT faculty to be involved in research and developmental work in Battery, Battery Management Systems and Electric Vehicle Technology.
  • The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering scheduled an interaction meeting on EVT with Bosch Global Software Technologies Pvt Ltd on 30th January, 2024. The agenda of the meeting was to discuss the MTech EV course syllabus, future course of action on EV and other possible avenues for collaboration.
  • Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized an Industrial visit to SUPA hydropower plant, Karnataka for 5th sem students from 23rd to 26th December, 2023.
  • A state of art EV lab with cell tester, battery pack tester with BMS, motor control unit and algorithm developer, hub motor and an open 2 wheeler assembly unit, was inaugurated by Principal, Dean Academic and industry expert on 23rd November 2023.

Memorandum of understandin MOU

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is dedicated to cultivating a dynamic learning environment that goes beyond traditional academic boundaries. In pursuit of this goal, the department has strategically entered Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with prominent industry leaders. These partnerships signify a commitment to promoting Research and Development (R&D), providing internship opportunities, and enhancing industry exposure for our students.

Our key Collaborators:

QNu Labs:

QNu Labs represents a team of experts in Quantum Computing and cryptography. QNu Labs has joined hands with our department at NMIT, to foster collaborative innovation in the field of Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography. The MOU aims to facilitate collaborative R&D projects that bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry requirements. The students shall be trained on various aspects of projects and rewarding them in terms of enriched experiences, which is invaluable in today’s job market.

The MoU signifies a partnership between NMIT and QNu Labs, culminating in the establishment of a cutting-edge facility on NMIT's campus. This collaboration also offers NMIT students unparalleled access to laboratories at QNu Labs for working on Quantum Technologies and projects.

Moreover, the collaboration with QNu Labs, presents significant opportunities for NMIT students in terms of internships and placements, aligning them with the burgeoning Quantum computing sector acknowledging innovation and knowledge exchange between academia and industry.

Starya Mobility Private Limited:

Starya Mobility Pvt. Ltd., represents a team of experts in retrofitting IC engine scooters into electric scooters. Starya Mobility Pvt. Ltd. has joined hands with our department at NMIT, to foster collaborative innovation in the field of electric vehicle technology. The MOU aims to facilitate collaborative R&D projects that bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry requirements. The students shall be trained on various technologies and projects, rewarding them in terms of enriched experiences, which is invaluable in today’s job market.

The MoU signifies a partnership between NMIT and Starya Mobility Pvt. Ltd., culminating in the establishment of a cutting-edge on NMIT's campus. This collaboration also offers NMIT students unparalleled access to laboratories at Starya Mobility Pvt. Ltd. for testing and working on EV design projects.

Moreover, the collaboration with Starya Mobility Pvt. Ltd., presents significant opportunities for NMIT students in terms of internships and placements, aligning them with the burgeoning EV sector acknowledging innovation and knowledge exchange between academia and industry.

Centum Electronics Limited:

Centum Electronics Limited-EMS Business Bengaluru, is an Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) company, specializing in the development and provision of manufacturing and design solutions for high-tech sectors such as automotive, transportation, industrial, defense, space, aerospace, and medical industries.

Through the MOU, Centum shall provide the opportunity to the selected students of NMIT to work on Electrical & Electronics Engineering related projects on a temporary basis, subject to Centum’s policies and business requirements.

The Engineering team of Centum shall provide mentoring and shadowing support to guide the students. The team shall also assist in enhancing the curriculum as and when required to be in par with advanced technologies and their Know-How. Centum shall work with NMIT in setting up/modernization of laboratories as per the need and on mutual agreement. Students shall have access to Centum’s facilities, which can be used for their development with prior approval from centum. Students may be considered for Internship at Centum. Students may be considered for appropriate positions on successful completion of their interactions, based on student’s performance, Centum’s policies, business and hiring requirements. Provide free access to knowledge resources of the Institute to the Industry and vice versa based on mutually agreed terms for each specific case.

Exide Energy Solutions Limited (EESL):

EESL, a renowned player in the energy solutions sector, has joined hands with our department to foster innovation in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The MOU facilitates collaborative R&D projects that bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry requirements. EESL's expertise in energy storage solutions provides our students with valuable insights into cutting-edge technologies involved in Battery Management System and sustainable practices.

The MoU signifies a partnership between NMIT and EESL, culminating in the establishment of a cutting-edge Laboratory for testing Battery Management Systems (BMS) on NMIT's campus. This collaboration offers NMIT students the unparalleled access to state-of-the-art BMS testing facilities, enriching their learning experiences and preparing them for careers in the rapidly expanding Electric Vehicle (EV) industry.

Moreover, the collaboration with Exide presents significant opportunities for NMIT students in terms of internships and placements, aligning them with the burgeoning EV sector. Additionally, the MoU opens avenues for NMIT faculty to engage in research and developmental work in Battery, Battery Management Systems, and Electric Vehicle Technology, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange between academia and industry.

Mysore Electrical Industries Ltd (MEI):

MEI, a stalwart in electrical manufacturing, has established a collaborative partnership with our department to support internship opportunities for our students. Through hands-on experiences at MEI, our students gain real-world insights into manufacturing processes, quality control measures, and the application of theoretical knowledge in an industrial setting. This collaboration greatly enhances their employability and practical skills. Key highlights of this collaboration are:

Placements: The MoU aims to enhance placement opportunities for students by facilitating interactions between NMIT students and MEI industry recruiters. MEI will provide internship opportunities that may lead to full-time employment upon graduation, ensuring a seamless transition for students into the workforce.

Mini and Major Projects: Collaboration between NMIT and MEI will foster joint projects catering to both academic requirements and real-world industry challenges. This partnership encourages students to work on innovative projects aligned with MEI's needs, providing practical experience and fostering skill development.

Industrial Visits: NMIT students will benefit from organized industrial visits to MEI facilities. These visits offer students insights into industrial operations, technologies, and best practices, enriching their learning experience and giving them a practical understanding of industry dynamics.

Curriculum Design of Need: NMIT and MEI will collaborate to align the college's curriculum with industry requirements. This involves integrating industry-relevant topics, technologies, and practices into coursework to ensure that graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the modern workforce. MEI's input will help tailor the curriculum to address current industry trends and challenges, ensuring that NMIT graduates possess the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their careers.

W3q Technologies Pvt Limited:

NMIT and W3q Technologies Pvt Limited have entered into a strategic partnership aimed at fostering innovation and preparing students for the dynamic technological landscape. W3q Technologies, renowned for its pioneering solutions in technology, brings a wealth of expertise to complement the academic offerings of NMIT's engineering department. The collaboration is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving industry.

Key Components of the MoU:

Joint Workshops, Seminars, and Training Programs: The MoU lays the foundation for collaborative initiatives such as workshops, seminars, and training programs. These events serve as platforms for students to engage with industry experts from W3q Technologies and gain insights into cutting-edge technologies. Through hands-on sessions and interactive discussions, students are exposed to emerging trends in artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, and other relevant domains.

Exposure to Emerging Technologies: W3q Technologies' expertise in emerging technologies enriches the educational experience at NMIT. The collaboration ensures that students have access to the latest tools, resources, and methodologies used in the industry. By familiarizing themselves with advanced technologies early in their academic journey, students are better prepared to tackle real-world challenges and contribute meaningfully to technological innovation.

Preparation for Industry Challenges: As the technological landscape evolves rapidly, it is essential for students to stay abreast of industry trends and developments. Through joint initiatives with W3q Technologies, NMIT aims to equip students with the skills, competencies, and mindset required to address contemporary challenges. By focusing on practical applications and real-world scenarios, the collaboration prepares students for successful careers in technology-driven industries.

Enhanced Industry-Academia Interaction: The MoU facilitates increased interaction between academia and industry, fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge exchange. By bringing together academic researchers, faculty members, and industry professionals, the partnership promotes interdisciplinary learning and facilitates the transfer of expertise from theory to practice. This synergy not only benefits students but also contributes to the overall growth and development of the engineering ecosystem.

Myquantum Technology Pvt Ltd:

Myquantum Technology, a key player in quantum technology, enriches our department's research capabilities. The collaboration facilitates joint research projects, workshops, and expert lectures, allowing our faculty and students to delve into the exciting realm of quantum computing and its applications. This partnership positions our department as a hub for quantum research and education. Key highlights of MOU are:

Student Internship: The MoU facilitates student internships at Myquantum Technology Pvt Ltd, providing students with valuable hands-on experience in the field of Quantum Technology. This internship opportunity exposes students to real-world applications and enhances their understanding of quantum computing and related areas.

Projects: Collaborative projects between NMIT and Myquantum Technology Pvt Ltd are initiated to explore and innovate in the realm of Quantum Technology. These projects allow students and faculty members to work together with experts from Myquantum, contributing to advancements in quantum computing, cryptography, and other related domains.

Funding: Myquantum Technology Pvt Ltd may provide funding support for research projects and initiatives undertaken by NMIT in Quantum Technology. This funding enhances the resources available for conducting cutting-edge research and facilitates the development of innovative solutions.

Faculty Training: The MoU includes provisions for faculty training programs conducted by Myquantum experts. These training sessions aim to update faculty members with the latest advancements and best practices in Quantum Technology, ensuring that they are well-equipped to mentor students and lead research projects effectively.

Students Training: Specialized training programs for students are organized by Myquantum Technology Pvt Ltd, focusing on various aspects of Quantum Technology. These training sessions enhance students' skills and competencies in areas such as quantum algorithms, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography.

Consultancy: NMIT may provide consultancy services to Myquantum Technology Pvt Ltd on matters related to Quantum Technology. Faculty members and students with expertise in quantum computing and related areas offer valuable insights and solutions to industry challenges.

Venjay Automation Pvt Ltd:

Venjay Automation, specializing in automation solutions, plays a pivotal role in enhancing our students' exposure to industrial automation. The MOU enables students to engage in industry-relevant projects, internships, and training programs, empowering them with practical skills in automation technologies. This collaboration aligns with the department's commitment to producing industry-ready graduates. This partnership strengthens the department's ties with the automation industry and reinforces its mission to produce highly skilled and employable graduates.

Key Outcomes of the MoU:

Industry-Relevant Projects: Through collaborative projects with Venjay Automation, students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world automation challenges. These projects provide hands-on experience and foster practical skills development, preparing students for careers in the automation industry.

Internships: The MoU facilitates internships for students at Venjay Automation, allowing them to gain firsthand experience in a professional automation environment. Internships provide valuable exposure to industry practices, technologies, and workflows, enhancing students' understanding of automation systems and processes.

Training Programs: Venjay Automation organizes specialized training programs for students, covering various aspects of industrial automation. These programs supplement academic curriculum with practical insights and industry best practices, equipping students with the skills and competencies needed to excel in automation-related roles.

Alignment with Industry Standards: The collaboration with Venjay Automation aligns with the department's commitment to producing industry-ready graduates. By exposing students to real-world automation scenarios and technologies, the MoU ensures that graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the automation industry upon entering the workforce.
