Center for Women Empowerment

Center for Women Empowerment

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology has launched a Center of Excellence for "Women Empowerment" in association with Honeywell and ICT Academy, Bangalore. The center will empower NMIT students with digital skills such as Big Data Analytics, AI, ML, RPA etc. Students will earn global certification from tech giants and be better placed to secure excellend jobs.

The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are being adopted by multiple public sector and private companies worldwide. Students, the future workforce, getting skilled in these technologies is a great challenge because of affordability, access, and availability of infrastructure in their region.

To train the youth and women students on advanced technology skills and prepare them for the future of work, Honeywell has partnered with ICT Academy to establish 25 Center of Excellence for Women Empowerment and 25 Center of Excellence for Youth Empowerment. Through the center of excellence, 5,000 higher education students will be trained on advanced technologies such as Cloud, Big Data, Networking, RPA, Artificial Intelligence, & Machine Learning and will be made industry-ready resources. The project aims to benefit the students of higher education institutions in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.

Objectives of Center of Excellence:

  • Establishing Center of Excellence for Women Empowerment / Youth Empowerment
  • Training Final Year Women Students and Youth From Higher Education Institutions
  • Assessment & Global Certification
  • Placement Facilitation to the Students Certified
  • Creating Four Women Faculty Mentors in each Institution
  • Participate in Student Hackathon
  • Participate in Women/Youth Empowerment Summit
  • Get Mentored by Industry Experts

Workshops and Training under COE:

Title Type of Training Date with Duration Name of the Organizing Department Funding Agency External Experts with Details
Honeywell-ICT Academy Training Programme Training Programme 5th to 20th January 2022 - 15 days Computer Science and Engineering Honeywell Dr. Sundarapandiyan, Honeywell-ICT Academy Dr. Ravikumar, Honeywell-ICT Academy